Made $37 Today
On Paid Trades. I love it. When its not time to Cash out, you Complete Offers for people who want to get theirs done...I also found a few sites that interested in me during those Trades:
DS Lite - 4 Referrals I am just ITCHING to get this. I am going to see if I can get it Completed tonight so I can have it shipped in time for an early Christmas Present for myself. :D
Trainn FreeVideoIPods - $300 6 Referrals...Good Deal...I am looking to Complete this one too.
Free4MeNet - $175 4 Referrals. These Network just PAID ME $300! I love this one because they PAY EVERY MONDAY!
So while I anticipate getting My Camcorder and $1800 -------------> Look to the Left of the Screen. I can do these in between as well as my DIYs...thats enough to keep me busy.........
DIY Laptop (10 Offers)and possible XBox :D (3 Offers NOT 360)