Tuesday, November 29, 2005

$1006.32 Lesson Learned :(

I had been waiting for IceGold to put money into my E-Gold account. I had told a couple of my Online Groups because I was excited about putting into my E-Gold account to save myself StormPay fees. I was hacked $1006.32 ONE HOUR After IceGold had transferred the money into my account.

I am a Single Mom...and it took me 2 LONG Months to build that money from 12DailyPro just to be robbed!

I no longer recommend E-Gold. At least with StormPay I know I can sleep at night knowing my money is safely in my account.

You can say I should have had "tighter security" or I shouldn't have told anyone. You might be right. But what RIGHT does that give someone to steal money from me? I at least WORK HARD FOR MY MONEY. Only dumb people steal money from others.

What I learned since this has happened is that there is E-Gold Hacking SOFTWARE and FORUMS for people to discuss different Methods on how to hack E-Gold accounts. Isn't that just LOVELY!

Some people out there that E-Gold is a little shady as well. You decide.

I am sticking to StormPay.


Anonymous said...

Ouch. Hon, I'm really sorry that happened to you. I've learned from experience that online money is often the hardest money to earn. It certainly makes it harder to lose, especially when you seem to have so little recourse to get it back. Have you contacted Egold? Can you file a report of some kind? Theft is theft, no matter where it occurs. And right before Christmas. That really sucks. :(
-- AmyTXmommy

Anonymous said...

That is horrible! Especially so close to the holiday season.Thanks for posting this. I know not to go there. I hope everything works out.
Visiting from WAHM Support Mommy Blogs Day;)